Performance Marketer (m/f/d)
About us
happyhotel is revolutionizing pricing for small and medium-sized hoteliers. With innovative solutions and cutting-edge technology, we are able to calculate the optimal room rate in order to be able to sustainably increase sales.
🤝 Your tasks
- You plan, implement and optimize cross-channel campaigns, especially for display, remarketing and search to generate new leads
- You are responsible for managing campaigns on platforms such as Google Ads, Facebook Ads, LinkedIn Ads and other relevant networks
- You continuously analyze KPIs, carry out regular performance checks and initiate data-based optimization measures
- You're continuously testing and optimizing ads, landing pages, and other campaign elements to maximize conversion rates
- You work closely with the content, design and sales team and coordinate external partners such as agencies or freelancers
💙 Your profile
- You have several years of experience in managing and optimizing performance marketing campaigns
- Profound knowledge in creating, managing and optimizing advertisements (e.g. SEA, display, retargeting, social media ads)
- Experience using marketing tools (such as Meta Business Suite, HubSpot, or similar) and tracking technologies (such as Tag Manager)
- Confident appearance and the ability to explain complex relationships in an understandable way — both for internal teams and for external partners
🚀 What we offer:
- The opportunity to work in a dynamic and innovative start-up.
- A dedicated and talented team that is ready to achieve great things together.
- Room for professional development and continuing education.
- Competitive compensation and attractive additional benefits.
- The opportunity to help shape the future of the hospitality industry.
🚀 Apply to us now
If you're passionate about transforming the way you rate rooms, we look forward to receiving your application. Join our up-and-coming company and help us push the limits of innovation.
Send your application with a resume to
We take protecting your data seriously!
In our Privacy notices You will find detailed information about the processing of your data and your rights.
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Der Bewerbungsablauf
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Deine Benefits bei happyhotel
Genieße flexible Arbeitszeiten und die Freiheit des Homeoffice. Gestalte deinen Tag nach deinen Bedürfnissen für die ideale Work-Life-Balance.
Wähle zwischen MacBook oder ThinkPad – perfekt für Arbeit und Privates. Flexibilität und Leistung, überall nutzbar.
Richte dein Homeoffice mit unserer kompletten Ausrüstung ein. Wir sorgen dafür, dass du zu Hause genauso produktiv arbeitest wie im Büro.
Nutze Hansefit für deine Fitness und Gesundheit! Wir übernehmen die Hälfte deiner Mitgliedschaftskosten, damit du fit und motiviert bleibst.
Erlebe unsere Mitarbeiterevents, die nicht nur Spaß machen, sondern auch unseren Teamgeist stärken. Komm zu uns und werde Teil einer tollen Gemeinschaft!
Nutze die Chance, aktiv an unserem Wachstumsprozess teilzunehmen. Gestalte mit uns die Zukunft und bringe deine Ideen ein, die wirklich etwas bewegen!