Generate more revenue with dynamic pricing
Price management made easy. With happyhotel you always sell your
hotel rooms at the best price.

What is behind dynamic pricing?
Dynamic price optimization (Dynamic pricing) means that retailers regularly adjust their prices to the market. If demand is very high, for example, the price can be raised at any time. In the hotel industry in particular, this is used and is successfully used as Revenue management strategy used.
Work on dynamic pricing with happyhotel
happyhotel analyses all PMS data and enables hotels to generate more revenue through dynamic price optimization. Simply connect happhotel with the PMS (ERP system). happyhotel works with data on workload, past data and sales as well as competitive prices.
Get high-quality and reliable statements of your KPIs, such as ADR and RevPARto optimize your prices.

Raise your room rates by up to 60% at events
happyhotel optimizes your room rates and takes upcoming events into account. You can create the events yourself or connect your existing calendar to happyhotel. With dynamic pricing, you can charge up to 60% more for a room on peak days. happyhotel tells you when you can adjust the price and what the consequences are for you. happyhotel not only gives you suggestions, but also justifies the new prices.
Quick & easy
Align your room rates based on planning events and events.
Identify a high workload early on
Based on the diagram, you can recognize your future Utilizations in a cohort analysis. This means that no more bookings are lost and you don't lose your focus. Die hotel software happyhotel supports you in this! On the picture, you can see the individual months listed one below the other. Each line corresponds to one month. 21% of the month was already booked out 6 months before July (January). A month earlier, July was already at 49%!
overview building
As you can see, you can evaluate your data with just a few clicks and collect it quickly.
More turnover
By using dynamic pricing, you can generate more revenue because you can plan ahead better.

Boost Revpar with dynamic prices
Daily turnover can be increased very easily by making price adjustments. Days with high demand are identified early on and prices are adjusted accordingly. Happyhotel checks prices daily and constantly adjusts the amounts.
A close eye on all KPIs
The most important thing is to always keep an eye on the KPIs and to react to them in good time.

Increase utilization through dynamic prices
Utilization can be controlled very easily with the help of the booking curve. If there is no demand, the price will be reduced and bookings will be generated again. Workload can therefore be controlled.
How important is workload?
There are many key figures that are important, including in any case the Price floor. The price is directly related to the workload. If the price is adjusted, this often has a very rapid effect on utilization.
How can I increase utilization?
As soon as the price falls, this often has a direct impact on utilization. This means that you can get the most out of it every day. The daily turnover should be kept in mind.

Features and benefits of dynamic pricing
When working with dynamic prices, or dynamic pricing, in hotels, prices are adjusted daily. Used by airlines for the first time, many hotels are now operating at dynamic prices. In contrast to the conventional pricing model with fixed or seasonal prices, which are only changed when a specific case occurs, dynamic pricing involves several factors.
With big data, dynamic pricing in the hotel industry can be constantly developed. Based on internal and external data sources, the price for a room is recalculated depending on the length of stay and number of people. In dynamic pricing and yield management, prices are calculated based on demand and are no longer read from fixed tables. This has the advantage that rooms are not sold out due to a long low price on the market.
Furthermore, when demand is strong, the algorithm automatically increases the price. Companies that work with dynamic prices must therefore also change their distribution policy by specifying “off” prices on the website and in catalogues. The “from” price is then the minimum price and initial price for a price range in which the dynamic price can move.
Another advantage of dynamic prices is that the variety of rates is thinned out and everything only relates to the flexible ''best available rate. ' From this rate, you can derive early bird prices and installments with restrictions using percentage increases and reductions.
and convince yourself
Forget manual price adjustments. With happyhotel, you can maximize your income without constantly checking prices.