In conversation with Patrick Ernst, managing director of the Hanauer Hof

Please introduce yourself briefly and tell us what distinguishes your hotel or host role.
My name is Patrick Ernst and I am managing director of Hotel Hanauer Hof in Appenweier. Our hotel has stood for family hospitality in Ortenau since 1904.
How did you do revenue management before?
Before working with Happyhotel, we worked for three seasons. We did not make the price increases/price reductions within these three installments on a daily basis, but maintained the three installments in the system once a year according to planned events and seasons and repeatedly made price reductions/price increases in accordance with workload.
How does Happyhotel make everyday life easier for you?
happyhotel makes yielding much easier for us, as the prices are automatically adjusted in real time in the system when capacity changes and price comparisons are made by competitors in order to achieve the best possible price for us. happyhotel not only looks at our occupancy rate, but also the general demand in the region.
Which feature do you like best?
The happyhotel analysis tool enables us to precisely analyze workload, RevPar, turnover and much more compared to previous months/years and thus provides the necessary data to be able to react promptly to changes and trends. This feature is therefore very helpful for us.
What does the dynamic pricing process look like for you NOW?
Happyhotel suggests dynamic price suggestions and can then use them.
How has your average working day changed since the integration of happyhotel?
Since the integration of happyhotel, we save ourselves a lot of time on price calculations/yielding, as these are taken over by happyhotel!
What is the best thing about Happyhotel? Which function feels like saving you the most time?
that analysis toolto keep an eye on all KPIs and enables precise analyses of workload, RevPar, turnover and more.
Have you already made any noticeable additional sales and if so, by what percentage have you been able to increase your turnover through happyhotel?
Definitely! Thanks to happyhotel, we were able to increase our turnover by 5€ per booking.
What are your personal tips for future users of happyhotel?
To work intensively on the analysis of happyhotel in order to then obtain more turnover in combination with the price suggestions.
What do you want for Happyhotel's future?
The continuation of the successful partnership.

and convince yourself
Forget manual price adjustments. With happyhotel, you can maximize your income without constantly checking prices.