In conversation with Sven Vormann, the Revenue Manager of the dasPaul Hotel

Please introduce yourself briefly and tell us what distinguishes your hotel or host role.
My name is Sven Vormann, I'm at DasPaul Hotell works in Nuremberg as a Revenue & Sales Manager. For me, the most important qualities in my role include friendliness, empathy and the ability to place our offer at the right price, at the right time, in the right place.
Did you or how did you Revenue Management done before you switched to Happyhotel?
We worked with a consulting firm whose experts helped us support, find and set our prices and software. Unfortunately, this also often meant that we could give little input of our own. The annual meetings for strategy optimization were carried out using a fairly complex mathematical, rule-based construct, which included various scenarios and were controlled for market situations.
What were the decision criteria for Happyhotel?
We chose happyhotel because it offers extremely easy and quick integration with Ibelsa and also offers direct personal contact. As a result, our new revenue management system was quickly set up and we have been working intensively with the software since day one. The transparent price structure and the really cheap offer compared to the market are then a great way to round off.
What does the dynamic pricing process look like for you NOW?
Easier, faster, with a larger overview and even more functional.
Which features of happyhotel do you no longer want to miss?
Accept and reject prices
Easy adjustment of the pricing strategy with optional manual input
The direct and immediate transmission of all prices to Ibelsa
The very functional analysis
The processing of my ideas and wishes in Happyhotel
How has your average working day changed since the integration of happyhotel?
I need significantly less time for revenue management. Where I used to need several hours a day, I now only spend about half an hour a day
What is the best thing about Happyhotel? Which function feels like saving you the most time? (1-2 sets)
Clearly, the “Accept and Reject Prices” function. However, I also use the manual override of prices, either on an individual day or for a period of time at once, very frequently.
Have you already made any noticeable additional sales and, if so, by what percentage have you been able to increase your turnover through happyhotel? (estimate)
Due to the current Corona situation, there are no additional sales, but thanks to Happyhotel, we are maintaining our maximum sales and were thus able to prevent a fall in prices. My assessment is that we can generate additional revenue immediately during normal operation, as we were able to maintain a solid basis.
What are your personal tips for future users of happyhotel?
As a hotelier, you should set yourself up broadly and not be afraid to enter new markets. What may have been a business hotel before can now also sell longer stays.
Calculate your upper and lower price limits (POG — PUG), watch the market and stay innovative — take a new approach and try Happyhotel!
Deal with it and make optimal use of it for your hotel and contribute your experience to the innovative Happyhotel, which is otherwise possible with a few revenue management providers.
Regardless, AirBnB is also an interesting connection for aparthotels, or even a bit more specialized; Acomodeo.
What do you want for Happyhotel's future?
We will also be looking after other houses; a multi-property function and a wider analysis would be important. It would be great to compare the individual houses and, of course, manage them with just one account, which Happyhotel already offers. In this regard, it would also be great if you can copy the settings to the 2nd account so that you don't have to set them up again.
For our company specifically, a smaller period of time would be sufficient for the algorithm, as we Yielding Don't do it months in advance. Therefore, newly generated suggestions would be sufficient even on a smaller scale; Happyhotel really offers a lot here that you would have to pay for from other providers.

and convince yourself
Forget manual price adjustments. With happyhotel, you can maximize your income without constantly checking prices.